Saturday, December 23, 2006

They said NO: start line again

Hello people!

Well, something bad had to happen in 2006, right? I didn't win the Spanish lotery and they company that I was hoping for they said NO to me. The company with the balloon exercise.

I don't want to bitch about them (after two months selection process) or about me, but I don't want to hide it either. They just don't want me. Again.

I'm at the starting line again, a new year is coming, and my CV is going to start moving a lot again, to Spain and to Finland, again. Patience.

People who are working basically complain about the work, people who we are looking for a job are complaining about not having a work. I think that the world is designed to make people complain and to be not happy with what we have. I am a bit against the world then, I am really happy about what I do have; I just want a job because I'll need money to survive soon!

A hug people, and... well, enjoy what you have!

PD: if someone from Finland or Catalonia wants to hire a MSc. in Telecommunications Engineering leave a comment, e-mail me or call me. Kiitos i/ja gràcies.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

This is what happens when you are bored...

Hello people, how is it going?

I’m sorry, this is not a Christmas Card yet, I just want to share with you my boredom. And yes, I am still waiting for a company to call me. I already said no to one company and I had the third interview in the same company and I think that that it went fine.

And besides that... computer, internet, to play guitar, to read, to go to the gym... Of course that the best moment of everyday it happens in front of the computer and through the webcam; you don’t need more details, do you? (... don't think bad you people!).

And here they go some pictures that describe something else that I have been doing. The skeleton is from a book collection when I was a kid. I don’t know the English name, but in Spanish it is: “Érase una vez el cuerpo humano”. They also had another one called “Érase una vez el mundo”, and if I could whistle the main theme (afterwards they were TV series) you would recognize it immediately.

The black Stratocaster was a gift from my mom, it’s cute isn’t it? The sunburst Stratocaster was handmade by me... just carton and a printed picture from the real one.

The amplifier, a Marshall JCM800 (probably too big, or too small, or too something) is hand made too (using a cool golden pen).

Yep, I am a nerd; yep, I am guitar obsessed; yep, I need a job.

Don't hate me but... it is not cool to have too much free time. So. enjoy the one that you have!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Ungreatful Christmas Song / Nadala Ingrata

Hello people!

I’m not saying Merry Christmas yet, I’ll save that for later on. But I guess that you all agree that Christmas is coming! Lots of Christmas advertisements on TV, Christmas lights, buying cards and thinking about gifts...

I like Christmas, a lot, and this one is going to be even more special than usually (so much more). But I want to share with you something. I have a CD (in Catalan) called “Altres cançons de Nadal” (Other Christmas Songs) and I’ll write down the lyrics of one of them. The music is funny, and the lyrics are “different”. Here it goes in Catalan and after it in English.

The song is from Mesclat and the lyrics from Francesc Ribera a.k.a. Titot.

A Betlem en un portal
Jesús neix a una banqueta
i per Via Digital
en directe ho retransmeten.

Al bell mig de l’erol
Sant Josep d’això en té idea,
li ha muntat un bressol
que ha comprat en el Ikea.

En Jesús dorm abrigat
amb una tovallola
que té un gran estampat
on hi posa Coca-Cola.

La Maria, com hi ha món,
unes mantes compraria,
però ha fos la Visa Electron
allà la perfumeria.

El messies ha nascut,
el Nadal a tots conforta,
i el Producte Interior Brut,
creix i això és el que importa.

Els pastors van arribant
en potents 4x4
i li duen a l’infant
jocs de guerra i de combatre.

Ha nascut el fill de Déu
el carrer tot s’engalana
i per cada llum encès
al món un nen mor de gana.

Menja neules el botxí,
pau als homes i a la terra
que demà de bon matí
ja continuarà la guerra.

N’ha marxat el caganer,
en aquest lloc ell no hi entra
no fos que el fessin pagar

fins i tot per anar de ventre.

In Bethlehem in a hall
Jesus is born in a bench
and at CNN worldwide
it is live broadcasted.

In the middle of barn
Saint Joseph knows about it
he has built a cradle
he bought from Ikea.

Jesus sleeps covered
with a towel
which has a big pattern
that says Coca-Cola.

Maria, why not,
some blankets would buy
but she melted the Visa Electron
there at the perfumery.

The messiah has been born
Christmas comforts everyone,
and the Gross Domestic Product
grows, and that is what matters.

The shepherds are arriving,
in powerful 4x4
and they bring to the kid
war and fighting games.

God Son has been born
the streets are fully decorated
and for each shiny light,
a little kid dies of hunger.

The executioner eats cookies
peace for men and at the earth,
and tomorrow in the morning
the war will continue.

The “shitting man” is gone,
he doesn’t go in it
they might make him pay
even to have a crap.

I must tell you that the "shitting man" is a Catalan tradition. When you do the little Nativity Scene one of the figures is a shepherd which is shitting. And soon you will know more about the "El Tió Màgic" which I would translate as "The Magic Log" and... well, you'll see soon.

Enjoy your time, think about the world, and try to think how lucky you are, how happy are you or could you be compared to lots of other people. Be happy! See you soon!