If anybody knows enough Catalan to translate it, or is enough bored to translate the title, will notice the the straight translation to English sounds something like: “To make the log to shit”. And now you’re thinking, “this guy is sick” or “the Catalans have some mental issues”. Don’t hurry and let me explain! I’ve tried already to explain it to some of you, and Emma has almost experienced this nice (for us) tradition. In the ancient times (and not that ancient) the wood was used to warm the houses and cook –while burning, of course. Then, it has a sense of nice stuff during winter, the wood brings you heat, the wood gives you the chance to eat warm, to eat properly. That is the beginning of “almost-worshiping” the wood.
The tradition told us that a magic log will come home in Christmas time. The magic log will bring lots of things to the whole family. We know that we have to take care of the log, and feed him, usually with fruits and vegetables. This is the job of the kids. They eat usually once a day, during night. I remember when I was a kid and it was my job to feed our “Magic Log” every night he had something to eat, and in the morning they were gone!

And then, in the Christmas Eve (night of 24th) or during Christmas day (depending on the family) me “make the log to shit”. The thing is: you cover the log with a blanket, then go to your bedroom to pray (all the kids pray together) and after praying, you hit the log with a wooden thing (usually cooking tools) and sing this song:
Caga tió, d’avellana i de pinyó,
pixa vi blanc, per les festes de Nadal,
ara vénen festes, festes glorioses,
menjarem conill i llebre si en tenim,
caga tió, caga tió, sinó et donarem un cop de bastó!

The song varies in each village, even in each family along Catalonia.
The pictures that you are watching are from my family’s Tió. It was already my dad’s Tió when he was a kid and I hope that it will be close to my family for lots of years still.
I’m going to share with you the Igualadan thing about the “Three Wise Men”.
Take care everybody!